Library Media Center
Monday, Tuesday,Thursday and Friday 7:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday 7:10 a.m. to 2:05 p.m.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Oxford High School Library Media Center is to provide academic resources and educational services for the Oxford school community. By doing so, the Library Media Center maintains a nurturing, student-centered environment that supports learning, enrichment, and personal contribution.
OHS LMC Tweets
LMC Overview and Policies
Students are expected to follow all school rules outlined in the student handbook while in the Library Media Center. Respect must also be demonstrated to others and to self at all times. Failure to do so may result in loss of visitation privileges, administrative referral, or security assistance.
Regular materials: 3 weeks Special materials: due date varies Please see Mr. Bilmes if you are unsure of your return date. Students may borrow as many materials as needed but must bring them in-person to renew.
Xerox copier (requires change)
Free color printer for students
PC computer lab
Reading periodicals
Study tables
Library Catalog
Destiny is the system for catalogs all print, electronic, and audio books from the LMC. Students do not need to log in to browse for books. Students must log into system by entering in their student ID # twice (for username and password) in order to access the electronic and audio books.
Follett Shelf is the cloud system within Destiny that stores the electronic books.
Destiny Discover is the reader app. Enter in information when configuring app on your device.
Systems compatible with Follett Shelf: Most PCs, MACs, newer generation I-Pad and Android tablets.
Destiny & Other Reading Resources
Online Research
The user name and password for most of the subscription databases listed above is:
- user name: oxfordhigh
- password: wolverines
researchIT CT doesn't require a user name or password if you access it from school. To access it from home, you need a library card number from any public library in CT.