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Helpful Information

Mandated Physicals Examinations (10th Grade): Required on all tenth grade students along with updated immunizations in order to be in compliance with Connecticut State law. The State of Connecticut HAR form is required prior to the first day of 11th grade. Page 1 is completed and signed by the parent and Page 2 is completed (all asterisked areas and screenings) by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine. Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned for completion. Please note: Sports physicals will not be accepted in lieu of the mandated form (HAR). 

Mandated Sports Examinations: Required YEARLY for all students participating in sports. The HAR can also be used as a sports physical form with Page 2 completed by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine. Sports physicals are due to the school nurse for review 2 weeks (10 business days) prior to the first day of tryouts and/or practice. The date of the physical cannot be older than 13 months from the first day of practice and/or tryouts and must be updated if it expires during the season. Parents must complete the sports sign-up on Family ID and the nurse will forward all approved physicals to the athletic director prior to a student being placed on a roster. 

Mandatory Health Screenings: Revisions to the Oxford Board of Education policy in July 2015 require the following screenings while in high school: Postural (Scoliosis): Grade 9 male students ONLY. Parents will have the option to have their child excluded, in writing. 

Medication Administration: Connecticut State law requires a physician's written order and parent/guardian written permission for the administration of ALL medications, including over the counter medications to students. Students may not self-carry any medications without prior written consent from the nurse and your physician. Please contact the Health Office to discuss your child's needs. 

Nurse Dismissals: An excused dismissal from the nurse’s office will occur if the child is assessed by the nurse with any of the following ailments: fever (greater than 100.0), vomiting, diarrhea, suspicious or confirmed communicable disease, injury/illness that requires immediate medical attention, a doctor’s note stating a confirmed diagnosis that would require the student to be dismissed early from school, a written 504 Plan/IEP or school health plan that allows for early dismissal via the nurse’s office. If a parent decides to pick up their child due to reasons other than those listed; this will be observed as a “Parent Dismissal” and will count against the child’s attendance. Please keep in mind; if your child is dismissed home from the nurse’s office, they are not permitted to return to school for extracurricular activities/school athletics without administrative or health professional waver. 

Other Important Information: As per the Oxford School District standing orders written by Dr. Frederick Browne:  If your child has a fever of 100.0 or more, they should not return to OHS until they have been fever free x24 hours without the aid of fever reducers.  If your child has any of the following symptoms: Diarrhea/Vomiting, they should not return to OHS until the symptoms have been absent x24 hours.  Please report all CONTAGIOUS illnesses to the Health Office as soon as possible.